Membership Benefits

Anyone researching local people and places can join LARIA. This includes public and private sector organisations. There are three types of membership including LARIA Corporate membership which is only £160 a year and for this everyone in your organisation will have access to the full range of benefits of being a LARIA member.

Why join? Listen to what our members have to say here.

Join LARIA now!

We depend on the subscriptions that our Full Individual and Corporate members pay but if you just wish to stay in touch and receive invites to some LARIA networking events and subscribe to a shorter version of our newsletter you can sign up to our mailing list for free and become an Associate member. We want to create a supportive network of researchers and show you what LARIA can offer.

If you sign up to our mailing list as an Associate member and someone else in your organisation has already paid the Corporate Membership fee we will upgrade your membership for free. This will happen after sign up and we will send you an email to confirm any upgrade. Please refer to the Corporate Members list to see if this applies for you.

Membership benefits

All LARIA members receive:

  • Free attendance at some local networking events
  • Opportunity to volunteer for LARIA activity groups including events, communication, and local groups

Corporate Membership

Become a Corporate Member for £160 a year and everyone in your organisation gets the following benefits:

  • Discounts on attending LARIA Events including our Annual Conference
  • Free access to LARIA Webinars
  • LARIA monthly newsletter
  • Post job adverts and promote training courses and events on the LARIA website
  • Access to the Member Area of the LARIA website which houses previous editions of LARIA news, conference presentations and webinar recordings
  • Submit free entries to LARIA Research Impact Awards – enter as many categories as you like. Entries from commercial companies will need to include a named public sector partner
  • Submit content to the LARIA monthly newsletter
  • Corporate Listing on the LARIA website and membership portal, and access to view and network with other LARIA Members by using the in-built email system
  • Use of the LARIA logo and website link to demonstrate you are members of the Association on any promotional materials and/or your email signature

Please note Corporate Members do not have voting rights unless an individual in that organisation is also a Full Individual Member.

Full Corporate Membership

Upgrade your Corporate Membership to become a Full Corporate Member for an additional fee of £20 per year. If you are an individual whose organisation already has Corporate Membership, upgrading will entitle one person in your organisation to the following additional benefits on top of those outlined above:

  • Voting rights at Council
  • The right to stand to be elected to Council

Additional Corporate Membership

If your organisation already has LARIA Corporate Membership you can be added to that membership as an Additional Corporate Member and this entitles you to all the benefits available to Corporate Members. See if your organisation is a Corporate Member, and thus, to see if you are entitled to Additional Corporate Membership.

Full Individual Membership

This is open to individuals working in research and intelligence for a local authority, or in an allied field. Individual Membership costs £20 per year and entitles you to the following benefits:

  • Voting rights at Council
  • The right to stand to be elected to Council
  • LARIA monthly newsletter
  • Free access to LARIA Webinars
  • Access the Member Area of the LARIA website which houses previous editions of LARIA news, conference presentations and webinar recordings
  • A listing on the membership portal and access to view other LARIA members – this includes the ability to network with members by using the in-built email system
  • Use of the LARIA logo and website link to demonstrate you are members of the Association on any promotional materials and/or your email signature

Individual Members are not entitled to discounts on LARIA events unless they are also working for organisations that are Corporate Members.