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This is the SRA Summer Event on the afternoon of 7 July in Central London, with four presentations:

Social policy in a cold climate: Changes in coalition Britain
John Hills, Director of the Centre for Social Exclusion and Professor of social policy at LSE

Acceptance, backlash or revolution? How did the public respond to 5 years of coalition?
Naomi Jones, Co-group head of social attitudes at NatCen Social Research

Not so risky business: The reality of changing youth behaviours
Carrie Harding & Shadi Ghezelayagh, Education Policy Group, TNS BMRB with Clare Baker, Strategic Analysis and Research Division, Dept for Education

Generation strains: The shifting cultural context in coalition Britain
Bobby Duffy, Managing Director of Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute

The chair is Alison Park, Director of CLOSER, and we’ll have audience questions and discussion after each presentation.

Date & time: Tuesday 7 July, 2 – 5pm followed by a drinks reception on the roof terrace


7 July 2015
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Category:


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Local Government Association
Local Government House, Smith Square
London, SW1P 3HZ United Kingdom
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