LARIA Research Impact Awards 2024
We are delighted to announce that the competition for this year’s LARIA Research Impact Awards is now open. These awards aim to showcase the impact research and data analysis can make at a local level, for example, in understanding the needs of local residents and businesses, or testing innovative activity, or informing local decision-making. We welcome entries for one of five categories:
A: Best use of local area research – sponsored by LGA
To win this award the successful entrant will show how their research has led to a greater understanding of a local area or community or an issue that is locally important, and has led to evidence-based decision-making.
B: Best use of data – sponsored by CACI
To win this award the successful entrant will show how they have successfully used data to aid understanding of a local area, community or issue that has led to evidence-based decision-making within at least one public sector body. Data for the purposes of this award is defined as the use of big data, open data, business intelligence and statistical analysis.
C: Best use of data or research in a district council
To win this award the successful entrant will show how they have successfully used data to aid understanding of a local area, community or issue that has led to evidence-based decision-making within at least one public sector body. Data for the purposes of this award is defined as the use of big data, open data, business intelligence and statistical analysis.
D: Most engaging communication of local area research or analysis
To win this award the successful entrant will show how they have successfully communicated local area research or data analysis to aid understanding of a local area, community or issue. The audience for this communication could include senior decision-makers, staff, the media and the public.
E: New researcher/analyst of the year
This award is given to a researcher or analyst with under five years of experience in a research field who has made an impact. This could be a person of any age, and could be based on a particular project they have led, an innovation they have pioneered or a particularly strong skill set.
More information about all these categories, giving the detail of what we’re looking for, can be found here on the application form. This also contains the rules of entry.
How to apply
- Download this Word document onto your computer and save your application directly onto this form.
- Please use one form per entry
- Please return to by 5pm Monday 7 October 2024.
The shortlist will be published by the end of October, and the winners will be announced at a special LARIA event on 26 November 2024, taking place at the Local Government Association in London.
We look forward to hearing from you and good luck!